Astera (Update) Time

Photo by alexandru vicol on Unsplash

1 comment

  1. Chris Steele - Reply

    What do you mean by “force restarting” the app? Do you mean close it out and restart it, even though it’s not done updating? Or something else.

    Yes, I’ve done similar. One thing I’ve found is that if you have a group of fixtures and say all of them take the update except a couple, power off all the ones that took it, everything Astera within range actually, close out the app, restart the ART-7 box, and try it again with just those fixtures powered on. It’s still not a guarantee, but at least you get through an “attempt cycle” faster.

    It’s ridiculous that we are still struggling with this. Considering Astera’s market share and technical range, they should have solved most of these problems a long time ago.

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