I used this trick a long time ago on Live shows, so don’t know why it took me so long to use this trick on Film sets. Take a look at the plot below for a stage set we did a while back.

Take a look at the Titans (all in single pixel mode) in the upper left hand corner- fixtures 601 through 609. This is how I/we have been channeling sets. It’s fine, but it could be more elegant. Why? My Gaffer will always call changes based on the quadrant. So instead of making him (or the Pocket LX) read all those channels, why not make a new fixture profile with 9 titan cells?

Now the whole quadrant becomes channel 601 (instead of 601 through 609). Since when he asks for changes to the individual tubes in a quadrant, he nearly always says “The first row- kill those”, that would be 601.1 through 601.3 now. Which to my brain is simpler.
I believe I’ve gone over how to make custom versions of a MC fixture in Eos, but if I’m misremembering, let me know and I’ll write one for next week.
What do y’all think? Simpler, or just fussy in a different way? I’m doing this technique on my next stages, so I’ll share my experience later. But my experience using this to control 1200 lights in a non-grid array for several years in live entertainment tells me this will work quite nicely. Hit me in the comments with your thoughts.