I’ve been working with a Hog for the last month or so thanks to a corporate gig and a bigger project that is still under way. Since I’m working on a console/writing project from home, it was natural to choose the Hoglet to work with. It’s been exactly what I hoped for, and it’s gone great until my faders stopped working.
The symptom was simple- no response from the faders or any buttons associated with them. However, the buttons on the right all worked just fine. I restarted the system with no change and called tech support. Noah answered and told me the fix. Being the nerd I am, I also wanted to understand the problem- which is Windows and its famous ability to drop USB connections. Since this is a common tech support question, here’s the solution.
Exit to the Start window. Press Control Panel in the upper right hand corner.

Using the tabs on the left, navigate to the Wing tab. At the top, you want to select a Docking Assignment. When you do this, your Hoglet will flash lights at you. Then under Docking Behavior, choose Leave in place. Finally, press Dock on the right and click Apply at the bottom.

Now sign back into your show and resume programming! Now if only someone would make a special app to do this same thing for network adapters that occasionally get dropped by Windows…
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