Ever since I found out that console programming was a job, I’ve been fascinated by how to make someone a good programmer. Obviously, at first it was how to make ME good at it. Then this fascination turned to obsession once I became a trainer. What makes a good programmer? How can it be taught effectively? How do you start the journey from programming to Programmer? Though I have many stories and several key moments in my career that put me on the right track, if I had to pick one thing, it would be when I decided to make a template file for my Eos work.
At that point in my career, I was a long time Hog 3/4 programmer, an MA2 programmer and an Eos programmer. I would do MA2 most often, but I still got hired to go into a theater and program in one of the several Eos halls in my community. I had already developed a template file for my MA2 programming, but I kind of feel like MA forces you to make a template in order to get anything done at all. Plus, it’s debatably optimized to support template files. With Eos, I actually find the platform difficult to make a template in. How you are supposed to set things up so your data (palettes, effects, etc) travels well isn’t intuitive to me and I couldn’t find resources that could or would explain it to me. (If you’re at the same place, I wrote an article that walks you through how to take a show file and turn it into a template file. ETC appears to have some blog posts as well, but I’ve not read them.) Regardless- I did it and it became a turning point for me as a programmer. Why? I think it’s because I took possession of my data.
People invest years of sweat and strategy into their templates. It becomes both a toolbox and a repository of answers when you forget how you solved something in the past. Since I didn’t find it easy to set up in Eos, it took much more time and attention from me to design what I wanted and then figure out how to seamlessly import and export my data. This investment forced me to learn some things I had been avoiding. Once I had the template and was using it, it saved me a ton of time that I used to learn more functions and tricks of Eos.
I want to emphasize that I’m not saying this is the only way to become a good programmer. I don’t think there is a single way to do so. In fact, when I did a fast text poll of my programmer friends, it was evenly divided in their responses between a template and other things. But I think the universal concept among all the responses was taking possession of your data. I just happened to do that by making a template file.
What turning point happened for you? What set you on the path to becoming a better programmer? Would love to hear everyone’s story in the comments!
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