When I think of classic rock and roll lighting, any time the lights dump to white, it’s to purposely overwhelm the eye. In other forms of entertainment- that usually holds true, but not always. For those times when there is perhaps a color chase running that includes white and it shouldn’t overwhelm, I have a white color palette with the output of the emitters set to half of their potential output so they can balance primary colors and secondary colors more closely. It’s a useful, if seldom used, tool.
If you are newer to additive color theory, an example with an RGB light: Each emitter at 100% results in a color loosely called “White”. If you take all of those emitters to 50%, you will have almost exactly the same color, depending on the quality of the dimmers built into the fixture. This lower output will fit in better with a Red/White color chase for instance, or an Orange/White chase. Red is obviously made with one of the three emitters at 100% and the other two at 0. Orange is made with Red at 100% and green at somewhere between 10-25% typically. Obviously, there is a lower overall potential for lighting output when you turn one or two of the emitters out. Hence- the interest in balancing with a lower output white color palette.
Hopefully this will be of use to you. Again- it’s rare that I use it, but I’m always happy I have it.