Blog Posts

Tiny Tip: Cloning Color Palettes to New Fixtures in EOS

I have a gremlin’s delight every time I’m able to add another fixture into my my template. The process takes ...

EOS Triggering QLab

I have an illusionist tour that has very simple sound needs, so I’m having EOS trigger QLab for the sound ...

Linear Time Code to EOS from QLab

Welcome back to the second in my little series of linking Qlab and EOS. This time, we will explore sending ...

EOS Cues Triggered by Qlab

It seems a fairly common desire to have EOS triggered by Qlab, but sometimes programmers get intimidated. Don’t worry, it’s ...

Tiny Tip: Blackout Color Palette

Early on in the film I wrap today, I was asked to program a Police Red/Blue effect.  Like most effects, ...

Old Programmer, New Medium

I’m a long-time live entertainment programmer, so I’ve never done much of any film or television until recently. I’m now ...

Tiny Tip: The Time is 4.9

This tiny tip comes to you from…not me. I don’t remember who first told me they set their cue default ...

Read the Freaking Manual

Though I am theater/live event born and bred, I’ve been working for the last month on a feature. Normally, I ...

Help Light Up the Sky

Early in my career, I was handed a design that I wasn’t ready for. It was designing Charlotte’s Web in ...

The (EOS) Button with No Name

My favorite button on the EOS family consoles has no label. Located between the Label and About key, I assumed ...